MCIDT Affiliate and Professor Emerita Katherine Spindler and her lab found that the viral E4orf6 protein in Mouse Adenovirus type I (MAV-I) is important to the degradation of Protein Kinase R (PKR), an essential antiviral protein that protects the host from infection

Key Terms: Virology, Adenovirus, Protein Kinase

Graphical Summary of results showing their mouse model. Summary of results. (A) Comparison of survival of WT C57BL/6 mice and PKR-TKO mice upon infection with WT MAV-1 at ~1 LD50 (102 PFU). “X” indicates knockout of PKR in the PKR-TKO mice. Data based on Fig. 3 and Table 1. (B) Comparison of survival of WT and PKR-TKO mice upon infection by mutant E4orf6TMC2 virus at the maximum dose, 107 PFU. The E4orf6 change of three amino acids in the Cul2-binding site is indicated by the “X” on the mutant virus