A world prepared to act
Our vision is a world that is prepared to act to prevent the emergence of infectious diseases, and to rapidly and efficiently respond to emerging or remerging infectious diseases. A world where scientific advances allow for rapid identification of threats and development of tools to fight them, where public health and medical systems are prepared for outbreaks and pandemics, and where the burden of infectious diseases does not rest inequitably upon the most vulnerable populations.
To realize our vision, the mission of MCIDT is to accelerate infectious disease research, to prevent and predict the emergence of infectious diseases, and to expand public health capabilities to respond to epidemics and pandemics. MCIDT will connect programs across the University and fill critical research gaps in order to bring a multi-disciplinary response against infectious diseases.
accelerate and connect research
Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
The Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Center, across the University, and in the scientific community at large. We aim to promote and provide an environment where everyone who engages with the center can reach their full potential regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, origin, disability, or sexual orientation. We welcome and support all scientists and public health practitioners.

University of Michigan Biosciences Initiative
Funding for the Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats comes from a Scientific Research Initiative grant from the Biosciences Initiative of the University of Michigan.