Sex-associated Early-life viral Innate Immune Response is Transcriptionally Associated with chromatin remodeling of Type-I IFN-inducible Genes

Jun 14, 2023 | News

Sex-associated Early-life viral Innate Immune Response is Transcriptionally Associated with chromatin remodeling of Type-I IFN-inducible Genes

Published in Mucosal Immunology on June 9th, 2023

Check out these new findings from MCIDT Affiliates Dr. Nicholas Lukacs and Dr. Wendy Fonseca on how early-life RSV infection induces sex-specific alterations in immune gene expression. Female mice show enhanced expression of certain immune genes, leading to increased IFN-γ production by T cells. Additionally, the BMDCs from male and female mice exhibit distinct immune responses and disease outcomes upon RSV infection. The differences observed in chromatin accessibility and predicted transcription factor binding suggest underlying mechanisms involved in these sex-specific immune responses.

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